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♡Humbled in the Dust♡

Man without GOD'S guidance and wisdom is completely lost and hopeless. There are many new inventions and fashion trends designed to draw man away from GOD to the worship of self. Man naturally is inclined to seek a religion that would make him feel good, a religion that exalts him to a higher state of existence because that is what the enemy of souls whispered to Eve to get her to eat of the fruit of the tree GOD told her not to eat: *Genesis 3:4-5 "[4]And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die : 👉(The doctrine of life after death) [5]For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods ,👉(the doctrine of once saved always saved and modern spiritualism of exalting man above GOD) knowing good and evil." And that is why today man keeps up these lies that the serpent whispered through these doctrines: "man does not surely die but continues to live on in the after life" and "man does not ...

♡The Principles of Modesty♡

In our previous study we briefly discuss where GOD first ever established modesty and why we as CHRISTIANS should follow this principle. And in this study we will look at the principles of Modesty into more detail. In the beginning before the fall of man... *Genesis 1:26-27 "[26]And God said , Let us make man in our image, after our likeness : and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. [27]So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them ." GOD created man in HIS own image. (That meaning Adam and Eve were replicas of GOD'S CHARACTER and GOD'S Physique). Yes....before sin Adam's physical structure was like that of his Creator. (E.g. He had eyes and ears, GOD has eyes and ears etc.) ♡So where does clothing fit in? *Genesis 2:25 "[25]And they were both naked , the...

♡The ABC's of Modesty♡

I plead that as we begin to get into these studies on modesty and health and Christianity. I would like for us to always have this question in our minds: "Why?" We must always be investigators as Christians to find why things are so: Let's begin with this quotation from the book: *Colporteur Ministry Pg. 131 Par. 2 "Religion and Health — True religion and the laws of health (we'll study the laws of health as time progresses) go hand in hand. It is impossible to work for the salvation of men and women without presenting to them the need of breaking away from sinful gratifications , which destroy the health ,  debase the soul , and  prevent divine truth from impressing the mind ." ♡Where do we find in the bible GOD'S care about our health? There are many verses in the bible where GOD is communicating to us about health that I can quote, but I particularly love this quotation from: *3 John 1:2 "[2]Beloved, I wish above all things that  thou mayest pro...

♡What Is Modesty?♡

Modesty is about building the inner beauty of character and revealing that beauty in the outward adorning of the body based upon the WORD OF GOD: *1 Corinthians 3:16-17 "[16]Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? [17]If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." [NB: I might mention women more in these posts because they are posts that are aimed in uplifting GODLY WOMEN and GOD-FEARING WOMEN who want to dress modestly and who want encouragement and knowledge on the subject of dress. Not in any way am I advocating modesty for one gender (the female only) but for both genders (it's a two way street). But immodesty is an issue mostly prone in women because we are constantly targeted by society's standards of what true beauty is (standards set up by the enemy of souls) and what is socially acceptable in a world that is fast losing its hold on what...

♡Welcome to Modest Raiment♡

Hi Everyone welcome to this blog that is all about sharing knowledge on Modesty, Health and Christianity based on the Bible and the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. For those who are not aware, I am a Seventh-day Adventist who loves sharing GOD'S WORD and any useful biblical general knowledge that might be of value and benefit someone else. This platform I plan to use on sharing biblical knowledge with everyone who is willing to learn some information on this particular subject of dress and health in regards to Christianity. If you seek more knowledge on this subject then you are in the right place. I pray and hope that this blog will be a useful tool and insight in helping you to make well informed decisions in your Christian journey. So please take this journey together with me so that we can all prepare for the second coming of CHRIST. If you have question and would like to get in touch with us through our social media platforms: ☆Instagram: _modestraiment ☆Facebook: @modestraiment ☆E-mail: ...